The Woman’s Club of Greenfield was first organized in June, 1965. There were 40 charter members. Our newsletter the GreenLeaf was first published in 1967 and continues to this day. From 1968 to 1974 the club sponsored the city’s first library by donating books and serving as librarians. The library partnership continues.
Today we support the Women’s Refuge Center, Trees for Tomorrow, the Greenfield Beautification Committee, Heifer Fund, an annual Veteran’s project, and award two $1000 scholarships to Greenfield graduating seniors. We support the GFWC-WI Special State Project that is Performing Arts for 2022-2024.
We work together to successfully have two basket raffles each year, sell brats at Sendik's, sell chocolate covered pecans, and have a hanging basket sale. We receive a percentage of profits on all Avon products sold thru the club.
1st Thursday of the month EXCEPT September and January when they are on the 2nd Thursday at the Greenfield Public Library @ 12 Noon for a lunch, a program and meeting to follow.
Our membership is open to women who are interested in promoting their community and making new friends. Email our Membership Chair annettesept06@gmail.com
The Camille Johnson annual scholarship award is given to two graduating senior who live in Greenfield. Deadline for applications is March 19, 2023 Email for an application.
Have a question about our products, or about how we can match your specific needs? If you have a close deadline or a special request, ask us. Send us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Copyright © 2023 Woman's Club of Greenfield - All Rights Reserved.